Venus & Mars Petition Jupiter ~ 8 Nov 2017

Venus and Jupiter, the two brightest planetary bodies, converge on 12 November at slightly more than 7 degrees of Scorpio. No doubt Venus will petition Jupiter for the fulfillment of desires, activating the wistful yearning to “wish upon a star.”. Given the Scorpionic placement involved here, more soul yearning bubbles to the surface than usual enriching all declared wants. So, yes, over the weekend, go out and view the sky... the Venus-Jupiter alignment will be visible just before sunrise for those of you early birds. However, Jupiter appreciates propitiation from wherever and whenever it occurs. Put those wishes out there... whether they are for success, status, or personal fulfillment, the time is ripe to wish away.

Of course, there are a few interrogatives that Scorpio renders to this pattern.

Is the petition a need or a desire? Jupiter is cool with either, but Scorpio wants you to know the distinction. In films, a main character sets out in pursuit of want, but the classic Hollywood ending results when need is fulfilled as the higher priority. Can you deal with either?

Are you ready and willing to accept the bounty of what you wish to obtain? Are you clear on the “be careful what you wish for” concept?

Are you willing to do whatever it takes - within the parameters of the consciousness of your soul and Jupiter’s regulations - to achieve this objective?

Then wish on, let the urges boil deep within and ready yourself for the Mars transit. Take your stand on the freestyle swim starting block, lean over the pool and when the perfect moment occurs, dive in and swim! This should occur, according to the transits, no later than Mars’ transit to Jupiter on 6 January, where it weighs in at about 18 degrees of Scorpio.

It may be appropriate to launch campaigns for delivering on the goods of goals prior to January. There are three times when each of the planets involved in the upcoming conjunctions align with the intersection of the Galactic and Super-Galactic Centers. More on that below.

It may make sense to pursue immediate development of activated aspirations. Perhaps a wish is made next week and a crowd-sourcing campaign is launched with a completion date of 5 January, such that the money raised can be applied on the 6th of January. That fits. So does launching a major campaign of life effort... major campaign here being noted as one of two years in duration, one Mars orbit of the Sun. Perhaps immediate action can be taken with the recognition that it may take material results slightly more than six weeks (at least) for fulfillment or for the first evidence of fulfillment. All these scenarios work effectively in planetary support set-ups such as these. Pick the one that fits best.

As mentioned each of these planets transit the midpoint of the Galactic and Super-Galactic Centers (Z/ZS, roughly 14.5 degrees of Scorpio - exactitude difficult to discern). Venus first reaches Z/ZS on 18 November. Her transit is followed by Jupiter’s one month later, 18 December; and Mars brings up the rear on January 1st, making this year’s new year’s promises surprisingly more potent than normal.

The Z/ZS point is known for combining the best of all cultures, beliefs and consciousness platforms. Alchemical potency is noted to exist in this point. As well, the degree is supported by a complex black hole system that is the brightest object in our local group of galaxies. It’s as if a beacon acts like a light house to guide soulful travel to the intended destinations.

It’s a potent time for putting it out there... as this year winds down and in the infancy of next year, the planets support petitions, goals, propitiation and soul fulfilling aspirations. Whether next week, the week after, five weeks hence, or at the turning of the calendar, celestial support exists for reaching toward the greatest of goals and the loftiest of aspirations.

Wish, act on it, and as the manifestations appear, approach with gratitude and maybe if so inclined, pay some of it forward.

As the year-end holiday traditions draw near, the planets reenforce the idea that the greatest gifts might come from within, and those inner gifts might be the most enduring of all.

More soon...